Ego is the Enemy?

You’re probably heard this before about how you need to kill your ego, experience ego “death”, and ego is not your amigo, etc But I’d like to offer a different perspective....

Today’s Email

Is ego the enemy?

You’re probably heard this before about how you need to kill your ego, experience ego “death”, and ego is not your amigo, etc

But I’d like to offer a different perspective….

Your ego IS your amigo

It’s the only person that will never leave you in your life (because well, it can’t)

Your ego has been saving your life since you were a baby.

Your ego’s job has been to only protect you from deadly situations

Your ego wants nothing more than to continue living life in the precious universe

This doesn’t sound like an enemy to me…

See what I mean?

But if that’s the case then where’s the truth? what’s the real statement here?

I Believe Egos aren’t the enemy, Under-evolved egos are.

It’s those with underdeveloped egos who don’t know any better and do actions based on this state.

Our egos become more selfish the more we ignore em.

The louder their voice gets

The deeper their cuts become

The harsher their words become

The more it starts to sabotage you

If we take the time to treat our egos like someone who needs help then we make the game of life easier for ourselves and everyone.

How do you evolve your ego?

By giving yourself the missing form of love you need.

How do you know what type of love you need?

By self-diagnosing your situation by reading the Ego Evolution Theory chart, checking out the Long Term Consequences on both sides, viewing where you naturally gravitate your attention towards, seeing which ones you’re experiencing more, thinking about your upbringing learning which parent/caregiver gave you more love and what type, and by implementing the successful solutions in green right next the red ones.

Note: Of course, It’s always best to get a 2nd person’s analysis on your situation because we often don’t do the best job at being honest with ourselves. So if you can I will always recommend getting a 2nd person’s perspective. Whether that’s a close friend, a therapist, a parent, a coach, or yourself via journaling then giving yourself advice from a divinely loving perspective… Your choice!

Your ego may be imaginary and not necessarily “real” in the material world but it will always be a part of your consciousness as long as you live.

So might as well treat it with the respect & compassion it deserves for all those years of keeping you safe.

It’s the least we can do for the only person who’s had our back since day 1.

The original “ride or die” haha

Your friend,


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