How To Escape A Hyper-Masculine Upbringing & Conditioning

I received a question from a follower from TikTok last night asking me for urgent help.

I received a question from a follower from TikTok last night asking me for urgent help.

Usually, it’s late for me to respond to message requests at this hour but it was Sunday night and I had nothing to do so F it, I opened it up…

And to my surprise?

She told me she’s suffered a whole host of traumatic events coming from a Hyper-Masculine (suffering) background. She’s had abusive partners, toxic family members, and more she didn’t want to say.

I couldn’t just ignore this till the next day, so I got to work…

This is what this week’s email will be about! I’m going to share with you the plan I recommend to anyone who is suffering and how they can enter the succeeding stage in Ego Evolution Theory. Sharing with you what I told this young woman here below (identity hidden for privacy reasons).

Here’s how I would escape a Hyper-Masculine conditioning/upbringing

Part 1: Employ The Feminine: Heal/Repair/Purify (Past)

  1. Radical acceptance - Here’s what I messaged her: “Understood, I empathize with your situation and know it may feel like there will only be toxicity wherever you go but remember this is temporary. As much as I'd like to give you all the answers, I can only go so far, spending time with God inside you will take you further. whenever I'm at my lowest at rock bottom, I spend time alone in a room with a pen and a notebook to journal out my thoughts for as long as I need 5-60min. Writing down what I'm truly feeling. Expressing whatever raw emotion pops up. then writing as if the infinitely loving God or an older mature wiser sister would say to someone else having those exact problems. It's important to end with optimism from gods perspective. Remember he will never judge you and will always do whatever it takes to make your situation better (no matter how many times you sin). make sure to never show this journal entries to your toxic family members or anyone around you. this is only for you. hide it. or use a private note-taking app like Notion. that's what I do at least. will this help you get closer with getting into an abundant life? maybe not so quick. but it will heal your previous trauma. We employ the feminine energy when we're feeling emotionally vulnerable like it sounds like right now. once we feel better and are emotionally neutral we begin to employ masculine approaches improving your situation. aright? :)”

  2. Radical forgiveness - Holding onto trauma will only hold you down over time. With radical forgiveness, we let that mental baggage out and into God’s hands. Here’s what I told her: “When you’re praying & giving yourself advice from God’s perspective, these are the things he will tell you when journaling/spending time with him (your feminine mother in heaven)

    1. - ♥️ you didn't deserve to go through all the pain you went through

    2. - ♥️It’s going to be alright

    3. - ♥️There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with you NAME

    4. - ♥️If I were you NAME, I would've done the exact same thing. I forgive you

    5. - ♥️I've never stopped loving you NAME (and I never will)

    6. - ♥️There are billions of people who would do anything to be your friend, NAME...including me.

    7. - ♥️You did the best you could

    8. - ♥️Take your time

    9. - ♥️ I will still heal your physical pain whether you sin or not. I love you unconditionally NAME.”

  3. Gratitude for Envy - Swap in envy for /gratitude/inspiration. Here’s what I told her: “a great way to reframe envy/jealousy is as inspiration. other people's success is just proof that your dreams are still possible. when you see others who are more successful than you in your mind say thank you X person for being proof anyone like you can even become successful. Thank you God for making this life easy enough for everyone to succeed." although these feelings of comparison and jealousy often stem from insecurity of the ego, this is a sign your ego needs healing. To heal, refer back to spending more time with your mother in heaven

  4. Once we move from feeling emotionally vulnerable to emotionally neutral, we then go to part 2…

Part 2: Employ The Masculine: Establish/Train/Build (Future)

  1. Become the most valuable man/woman in the world - Here’s what I told her: “In order for us to receive opportunities & abundance, we must first prepare for this wealth. Learn as many in-demand skills as you can. Aim to learn 1x/month. Learning & putting in reps 10-60min a day. Over a year, you’ll have over 360 hours of practice under your belt. That’s more than last year (zero hours). in terms of attracting better people. I recommend not only attracting but shooting your shot as well (fem receiving & masc doing). it all depends on your energy you put out for others to see. online & offline. while it feels amazing to find a partner, realize you don't need anyone to live in alignment with your highest self. before we can find others to love we must first love ourselves. And this does start with forgiving yourself. before sleeping I mentally forgive everyone who's done me wrong & even myself. this is what radical forgiveness is all about. The sooner you accept the past and forgive yourself and others the sooner you'll start attracting abundance and feeling better. All that trauma is holding you down. let it go. take your time for this process”

  2. Establish personal boundaries - boundaries not for other people to follow but for oy to follow yourself. We can’t change or control others. But we can change and do ourselves. We establish boundaries to avoid becoming a doormat for others to walk all over us. This will immediately build self respect & confidence. When you notice others are stepping all over you, dont’ allow this. DOn’t allow yourself to be treated like this. Leave the situation. There are way more opportunities out there. Your mental health is worth more than that. Here’s what I said to her: “I noticed you said you felt like a doormat when you applied the green(feminine values). I don't know much of your background but I did notice you said you didn't have both the f & m energies from a previous comment you posted from another video. in regards to feeling like a doormat, this is a good sign you're employing only feminine. there lacks masculine boundaries. too much feminine allows everything to come in even if it doesn't benefit the host. the solution would be to start implementing masculine values. A good place to start would be 1) Setting boundaries for yourself to follow 2) valuing your time. For setting boundaries you don't need to force it down others throats but when you notice others cross your reasonable boundaries, you leave the situation. you follow your boundaries. if you're around people like family in the case you can't leave, it's best to distance yourself or play along until you're able to be in an environment to implement more individuality. Hanging around positive and open minded people is a must. Having hope for the future knowing it won't always be like this will help you feel better even when external circumstances are bleak. I hope this advice helps out the with information I have so far. let me know if you have more questions :)”

  3. Purpose Driven > Self Driven - Work towards building something positive bigger than yourself also like to say to my people that the best stories have the worst start offs. when we're at rock bottom, the only way to go is up. remember this feeling, document it, for this will be amazing when you do feel better. as far as monetary growth, become the most valuable woman in the world. Learn in-demand skills you can work remotely. You become valuable with learning as many skills, being problem-solving oriented, & being high energy to whoever you work for

This person was courageous enough to message me & I feel honored they sought my advice. I’m grateful to help out whenever someone reaches out so please don’t be afraid to contact me if you need help with a question regarding your situation! :D

I hope this guides you on your own healing journey. Thanks for reading.

Your friend,
