The Posimistic letter Is BACK!

Hey, long time no email (the last email sent was in February) been busy with new bodies of work & more! But more on that in a bit. But first… This email is to tell you to follow what you feel called to do in your life here’s why…

Today’s Email

Hey, long time no email (the last email sent was in February) been busy with new bodies of work & more!

But more on that in a bit. But first…

I’m here to tell you to follow what you feel called to do in your life

here’s why…

These past 6 months have been the worst moments of my life but I’ve been slowly chipping away at new designs for new projects. Those being: Ecom Evolution Theory, The Posimistic Print Letter, & Compassionism 1 Page Manifesto

Yup, in less than a year I created 3 new bodies of research. (Econ Evolution Theory, Compassionism, & Ecom Evolution Theory). Compared to only having created only ONE over the span of 3 years (Ego Evolution Theory).

So why is this the case? What was the shift?

I decided to make it a habit every day that no matter what happens, I’ll work on my art even if my schedule allows me to work on it for 1 minute. Because refusing to create is a form of “early death.” You might as well bury me now if I’m not able to bring to life what I see in my mind.

The first couple months of the year I stopped working on any type of art. I had to desperately find a way to find some new type of work because my day job editing for Tej Dosa stopped (he wanted to experiment with low-edited videos which meant there was no more use for my skill anymore for him — hopefully things change in the future soon).

Being in a desperate state like this I had to say yes to working with some other people who turned out to be nightmare clients. 0 out of 10 would never recommend this experience. My cortisol increased every time I checked my inbox or thought of this person. Don’t worry, they’re not subscribed on this list.

But after hitting rock bottom a couple of weeks ago, I came to that realization…

The reason why I must be getting these low-quality opportunities is probably because I’ve been neglecting working on my art.

The Universe/Source/God/whatever you want to call it, will give you a life of emptiness & surviving if you ignore actualizing your true potential. Until you reach the very point of pain that you’re forced to make a change.

It’s like in Spiderman 2 (the 2004 movie) when Peter Parker neglected being spiderman, his newfound normal life started to also deteriorate. Symbolizing there will always be problems & worse ones if you refuse to accept your divine calling.

The same parallels with our lives.

That brings us to today…

At this moment in time, I feel like I’m being called for something bigger than myself & to go all in on it.

It’s not normal that all these ideas are coming to me more than ever.

Just to put it into perspective, here’s what the world will look like when all these new ideas & bodies of work become mainstream:

  • Compassionism - Everyone’s primary home will be free, eliminating homelessness for good. Covering the minimum base survival needs of every citizen universally & the excess quantity of these resources will be paid. Along with eventually getting to a “problem-free” world thanks to systemic innovation incentives.

  • Ego Evolution Theory - Every psychiatric / health center will have their teams trained to treat their patients with holistic care & prescribe the missing fem/masc love solutions.

  • Ecom Evolution Theory - Instead of 9 out of 10 new businesses falling, we’ll have shortened it to as little as 1 out of 10. Along with more businesses incorporating “Hybrid-Bound” marketing systems.

You have a lot to be excited about in the very long term future following this work.

But to help spread the word, I feel called to bring back an old product… One that I enjoyed creating & helped introduce my work to new subscriber. That product being The Posimistic Letter!

Quick context: 2 years ago I decided to write a monthly print letter for myself to document all the knowledge I’m learning to be able to give to my future kids. Distilled wisdom in less than 10 pages. Every month for 12 months. And I successfully committed to it! This was the Posimistic Letter.

The only problem with the previous version is not that many people had the chance to read them, they were all over the place, and I had to stop because it was not sustainable with my schedule. The formula was dry. They sucked.

Now however, I’ve gotten more demand for more content from me after going semi viral last year about Ego Evolution Theory. Along with having a more optimized schedule freeing me 8hrs a day to work on perfecting these letters.

With your help, I can go full-time in producing these new bodies of work & getting this message spread out even further. All we need is 100 monthly subscrbiers and that will be enough to help me go full-time as an independent scholar. Producing MORE bodies of work

The Posimisitc Letter is the playbook(s) to help you master the game of life.

Each Letter is designed to be super-filtered wisdom in 10 pages or less. We cover topics like: Self-Actualization, Psychology, “Ego-nomics,” Economics, Ecommerce, Online Marketing, & More. All to help you enter the Posimistic-Succeeding stage in Ego Evolution Theory

Here’s what you get once you’ve subscribed to The Posimistic Letter:

  • A monthly letter (print & digital) delivered worldwide to your mailbox & digital inbox. - Each letter will have copies of all my charts which get updated every month.

  • Exclusive access to my new 1-page thesis called Ecom Evolution Theory (in physical & digital) before releasing sometime in Autumn 2024.

  • Exclusive access to my new 1-page manifesto for Compassionism (in physical & digital) before releasing sometime in Autumn 2024

  • All charts & infographics - Copies included in every letter for your safekeeping or to give away to others. For Ego Evolution Theory, Econ Evolution Theory, & All Variations.

You can learn more & become a subscriber here.

Avoid what I went through this year. Don’t wait to start making your art until everything is perfect. Test creating things at different parts of your schedule to see when you could do it regardless of how bad a situation may get. Otherwise, missed days will turn into weeks, months, years, of wasted opportunity to have gotten closer to going full-time as an online creator.

Create what you were meant to create.

Until next time — Most likely next week!

Your friend,


P.s. You can read a sample letter of my previous topics right now here

I already wrote the starter letter and it’ll be the 1st letter that gets delivered to you on Sept 1st. Topics included will be:

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